Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wellness - Do Not Disturb

I fully encourage all of you to take advantage of "Do Not Disturb Moments."
Embrace them, create them, indulge in them, and encourage other moms you know to partake in them! 

I am a constant advocate of relaxation this summer. We work hard, the weather is nice, the kids are busy and we deserve some "me" time! If you still find your schedule packed, take a personal day off, arrange a play date or a time the hubby can watch the kids so that you can get some alone time. Spend quality time with just family and get back to your friends later. Steal some time away. Unplug and just say no, you can't and you just don't want to be disturbed. 

Do Not Disturb Moments Include
Coffee or Tea Time
Showers and Bath Time
Yoga and Meditation 
Gym Time
Salon Visits
Breakfast, Lunch and/or Dinner

Please do not disturb and excuse me as I take a summer break from Wellness Wednesday's :-)