Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wellness - Friends and Family

Happy Wednesday Mochas!

Hope everyone is enjoying this Easter week with your family! Whether your minis are on spring break and you've taken little a time off to spend with them, you are home, or you are back at work after the easter holiday weekend. Hopefully, you've enjoyed the company of your friends and/or family! Usually around the holidays, but most importantly, year round, it's good for your health to make the time to spend with people in your life that you love. 

"The best times are when friends and family gather round." 

Health Benefits Of Friends And Family: 8 Reasons Why It's Healthy To Spend Time With Loved Ones:

1. Parenting lengthens life- being a parent, especially a mom, can help us live longer. Giving birth and raising our children promotes longevity and encourages us to take care of ourselves to be there for our children for the long run.

2. Having different social networks are good for our health and are great ways to converse, take a break and rejuvenate whether it's just with friends or just with family.

3. Decreases loneliness- having family and friends around and spending time with people we know and love prevents depression or feelings of loneliness.

4. Friends and family are highly influential and make a difference in our health habits, for example, what we eat for dinner as a family or doing activities together to stay active.

5. Lowers stress- having other people to talk to that are close to us such as family or friends, our mothers, fathers, or siblings can lower our stress levels about any situation. 

6. Makes us feel happy! When we are around good people, we're bound to have a good time!! Relaxing and laughing just happens and we feel happy!

7. Creates growth- family and friends are awesome support networks, providing wisdom and advice that can help and enable us to grow.

8. Builds relationships-the more time we spend we someone, the closer we get with that person, good or bad. We learn each other's ways, but overall, it helps us to truly get to know a person and builds the relationship we have with have that person. 

Enjoy the time you spend with your loved ones, immediate family, distant family and friends! It will keep you healthy and well :-)

For more Wellness Topics click HERE!

This post is courtesy of Mocha Tiffany K.

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