Friday, June 12, 2015

FAB Friday - There's an App for That

(This is NOT a sponsored post)

Happy Friday, Mochas!

Technically it's still spring, but ladies it is hot!  And with hot weather comes the desire to go swimming.... And look great while doing so!  Yes, the summer crunch is upon us. For me the need to burn is amplified by that sticky stubborn baby weight that I just can't seem to melt away. So what is a girl to do?  I don't necessarily have time to go to the gym everyday and I simply can't afford a trainer to bust my hump on a regular basis, so what gives?  Well, I have decided to turn to my phone in my quest for physical fabulousness. 

How is my phone gonna help?   Why through apps, of course!  For instance, I downloaded the app Running for Weight Loss. It is an app that uses interval training to shock the metabolism into hyper drive. I tried the program for the first time yesterday; I normally jog about 3 miles or so, so when I saw the course I thought that it would be pretty easy. But just as I was hitting my stride, the app interrupted with instructions to walk. Literally every two minutes it's time to walk, which sounded great at first. Except after 20 minutes of all that back and forth I was frustrated, out of breath, huffing and puffing, and I had not run any further than I ever had in the past. But I was sweating - hard!  And I was more exhausted than I'd been in a long time. "This is what those results feel like", I thought. Which leads me to think maybe I'd been measuring success as a runner all wrong.  Maybe it's not the distance that's the goal, it's the effort. Maybe the run isn't supposed to an easy coast, but a bit more of a struggle that redefines my limits and leaves me changed. Maybe this running app will help me look great and figure out a couple of other important things along the way. 

So today I encourage you to listen to that inner voice that tells you it's time to get summer fine. It's not too late and you don't even need a gym membership to do it. All you need is your phone and your will. You just might stumble across an app that winds up stimulating your metabolism and pushing you towards change from the inside out. 

Stay fabulous!

P.S. Not a runner, don't worry.  There is a Walking for weight loss app available.

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