Wellness: M.O.O.D.
Happy Wednesday!!
Have you ever had "THAT" kind of morning? Where everything just seems to start off wrong and continues to spiral!!? Well, that my morning today!!
Unbeknownst to me, my phone died last night after I went to sleep and I didn't think to plug in the charger, so my alarm didn't go off from my phone this morning. My loving husband sleeps with the tv on so when the news came on and said it's 6am. He said, "honey, it's 6." I said ok, (which is the time I normally get up, but I was so tired!) and we both rolled over and went back to sleep. I woke up to myself snoring and it was 8am!! Which was when Erin and I usually leave the house! Mind you, she's up and had been laying in her bed. So, I jump up, tell her to get up and get dressed. I didn't even have time to shower! Don't judge me! I used the restroom, changed, did my five minute makeup face and fixed my coffee. We went out to the car and the garbage truck left our garbage can right in front of our driveway, so I had to walk down the icy driveway to move it so that I can pull my car out. And, of course, I slip and fall! F&$@ it! I left the garbage on the street to the side so my husband can get it later! I got in the car and then realized I was low on gas, I forgot Erin's water bottle and I didn't have time to make my juice. I got Erin to school late but then hit traffic on route 80. Then, I get to work and my kids are going crazy!! Sure enough, last night was a full moon! Ok, now I thought, it's time for me to stop and breathe....

My morning was spiraling and I had to stop it. We have the control to stop it. You may have had worse mornings, but it's all about the M.O.O.D. you choose to continue your day. Mind. Over. Obstacles. Daily. Once you focus your mind over any obstacles you face in a day, things automatically start to go smooth. I accepted the fact that things happen, it's ok, but it can get better!
Thinking about the positives, Erin dressed herself, made her own snack AND lunch. I put on perfume, kept it moving and made sure my make up looked good ;-) I didn't hurt myself. I drove slow to avoid any accidents. Made it to my school on time, relaxed and had a productive and pleasant rest of the day.
Remember mind over matter? Practice training your mind to not dwell on the negative, but more on the positive.
Mind. Over. Obstacles. Daily.
This post is courtesy of Mocha Tiffany K.
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