Good Morning, Mochas!
Thanks God it’s Fabulous Friday! It’s hard not to feel great about the day when your week is basically done. I have to admit though, that the current weather does take some of the wind out of my sails. I mean, this morning I saw the weatherman say that typically we are in the 40’s right now but for whatever reason, this week we are stuck in the teens. Arrgghh! 40 degrees sounds downright tropical right now!
But instead of bemoaning the situation, I have a crazy suggestion. Now is the perfect time to buy fur – faux fur! There are three great reasons: 1) It’s the end of winter season and you can find great deals on some really amazing looking faux pieces; 2) It’s a great time to use those end of season savings to buy a gorgeous look that you can rock through the next winter; and, 3) because faux fur is usually lighter than a real fur, you can still wear it comfortably through early spring. Faux furs make great transitional pieces, they can add a dramatic punch to your wardrobe, and they allow you to step outside your fashion comfort zone without too much of an investment.
Now when I say faux fur, I am not speaking solely about full-length coats and jackets. Think fun oversized hats, neck wraps or shawls, gloves, vests, etc. It can make just as much of a statement when worn as an accent piece. And remember, faux fur can be worn as casually or formally as you like. Throw on your fur jacket with a pair of skinny jeans, white T and some heels, and strut your stuff! And finally, when searching for your perfect faux piece, look for items that don’t shed easily. If trying on in person, run your hands over it in both directions several times to see how much “fur” it looses, and wear a dark, solid colored shirt to check for transfer. Also, if shopping online, read the reviews! Buyer comments are an online shoppers best friend.
This winter may last forever, but that’s ok. We can choose to have fun with the season and not let it get the best of us. Yes its 15 degrees outside when it should be 40. So what! Use the cold weather as an excuse to have some fashion fun and show these frozen temps who’s really ice cold!
Stay Fabulous, Ladies!
This post is courtesy of Mocha Otise