Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wellness - Be BOLD!


1(of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.

As part of our 2015, we are becoming bolder women and mothers! If you weren't afraid of anything, what would you do? What would you say? What would you try new? We support each other for all the things we are choosing this year to step out and do! 

Being BOLD means:

  • Having courage even if you are afraid.
  • Not worrying unduly about mistakes you will make and failures you will have.
  • Taking good calculated risks.
  • Stepping out, being visible and notable.
  • Saying what’s on your mind. 
Boldness is the opposite of hesitation. Whenever you're feeling hesitant in interactions with others, or in making a decision for yourself, learn to swallow your pride, don't over think it and just go for it! We can be bold without being negative or aggressive, but by simply being truly who we are with a few unexpected twists ;-)

Here are a variety of ways to be BOLD!:

1. Make the first move- Call a friend first to get together or initiate a date night. 
2. Do something unpredictable- What could you do that would completely surprise the people you know? Wear high heels, red lipstick, put on a wig, or cut your hair!?
3. Try something you've never done- Get a bikini wax, finish a book, a new sex position! 
4. Wear color- Switch things up and pop your usual outfit with a small dose of color. 
5. Travel- Make the plans, save and book that trip you've been talking about.
6. Say no! It's okay- Saying "No" will reinvigorate your individuality and help you to feel bold. 
7. Ask for what you want- Remember that old saying, "a closed mouth doesn't get fed"? 
8. Speak your mind & express yourself- Proclaim it and say what ever it is that you positively want to say, "I love you," "that hurt me," or "I appreciate you."
9. Embrace a bold act- Invest in a cause, make amends with someone, keep your promises, or walk away from an argument.
10. Accept yourself, your flaws & get over yourself- Stop complaining, apologize when you need to, change something if you're not happy, life is more than just us...
11. Converse face to face- Forget email, texting, or calling. Relationships are so much richer when you spend physical time together. 
12. Make a change- Big changes can be to quit your job, get a new job, change careers, or move. Small changes can be to join a gym, start juicing, or take a class.

Bold action doesn’t need to be epic. You don’t need to climb mountains, travel around the world or learn three languages. Although these do sound amazing! By all means, if you can, do it! Ultimately, boldness has to do with coming from your center, enacting what you believe. It is not always about what you do, it is about who you are. Start really appreciating your uniqueness. And be ok with that! You never know...stepping out with confidence and trying something different may help you rediscover who you really are.
Be BOLD! It'll make us mentally and physically feel better, feel stronger and feel confident in ourselves! 
Have a beautiful day and be well....xoxo
This post is courtesy of Mocha Tiffany K.

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