Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wellness - What's your Motivation

What's your Motivation??

Are you motivated to workout? Does your family motivate you? Does your job demand that you be active? Does what you see on tv or read in books or magazines motivate you to look better or take better care of yourself? Do you have an event coming up that you want to get in shape for?? (Hint, Hint!!! Our holiday party is exactly 6 weeks away!!! What are you wearing?!) 

In the fitness world, this is called "Extrinsic Motivation." The extrinsically motivated exerciser is in it for the rewards. The excitement of what's ahead. The positive feeling you look forward to once you achieve that goal. We workout to reap the benefits of loosing weight, feeling fit, preventing heart disease, to tone our muscles, and to look and feel sexy! Some people workout to get in shape for a marathon, get a better job, or for social reasons. Something outside motivates us to get in shape. A friend, a dress, a pair of jeans, vacation, or an event. 

Other people workout for the pure fun of it. Children provide the best example of whats called "Intrinsic Motivation." They hop, skip, jump and run around the room simply for the fun of it. Intrinsic motivation helps adults adhere to their fitness programs. They exercise for the sheer joy of pumping blood into their heart and muscles, and circulating mood-enhancing endorphins, those "happiness hormones."

Both are perfect motivators to workout! But you must recognize the type of fitness motivator you are and challenge yourself, set goals for yourself, and be aware of what it takes for you to make exercise a regular habit. I am a little bit of both! I have the intrinsic motivation to workout to stay healthy just because, but I also LOVE a great reason to workout and look my best!!

If you need a "reason" to start working out, keep working out, or to elevate your workout, go in your closet or search online for that outfit you plan to wear to the holiday party and get at it!!!

Post Courtesy of Mocha Tiffany

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